Location: ALFABRIKA and ALGAMALON, Ard al-Liwa
Partners: for Cities and GIS Friends
Scope: Urban Sound Exhibition
CLUSTER is pleased to announce the opening of the “Sound Mapping” exhibition, displaying the outcome of a five-day workshop held between the 25th to the 30th of July 2022 at ALFABRIKA in Ard al-Liwa. Both the workshop and the exhibition were in collaboration with “for Cities”, based in Tokyo, and “GIS Friends”, based in Moscow. The sound mapping workshop sought to explore how we as individuals experience our city through hearing rather than seeing. Cities and architecture are heavily dependent on our sense of sight, overlooking that our audio sense plays a role in how our mental images of the spaces around us are created. Thus, the participants were asked to pay attention to what their ears noticed, to record and reflect on the sounds from the street, and then to visualize these sounds on a GIS map. The exhibition invited visitors to explore the unnoticed sounds of the city highlighting the neglected connection between sounds, cities, and architecture. During the exhibition, an interactive map was displayed to visualize various sonic aspects of Ard al-Liwa neighborhood, as well as installations made by the workshop participants, for Cities and CLUSTER teams, exploring the sonic observations of each individual. The exhibition concluded with a soundtrack mashing recorded sounds from Ard al-Liwa in a melodic remix.