ProgramsWatch Video LEARNING FROM CAIRO: GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES AND FUTURE VISIONS CONFERENCEYear: 2013 Location: AUC Tahrir Client: Ford Foundation Scope: Conference Learning from Cairo was a three-day international conference including plenary sessions, workshops, urban tours, website, and a publication. Learning for Cairo, co-organized by CLUSTER and the American University in Cairo, sought to engage the current…


DesignCIMATHEQUEYear: 2013 Location: Adly Street, Downtown Cairo Client: Cimatheque – Film center Scope: Renovation, Development and Implementation Cimatheque is an alternative film center dedicated to celebrating the diversity, beauty and power of film from the region and beyond. Cimatheque is located in Downtown Cairo, in an important historical building with pronounced Art Deco features. In…


DesignDOUM CULTURE HOUSEYear: 2012 Location: Abdeen, Cairo Client: Doum Culture Foundation Scope: Renovation and Development (Concept) As an emerging cultural foundation promoting critical thinking and literary culture, DOUM Foundation was interested in finding a location Downtown within the historical context to be re-modelled to the needs and programs of its mandate. The chosen site is…

Cairo Urban Initiatives Platform (CUIP) WORKSHOPS

ProgramsCairo Urban Initiatives Platform (CUIP) WORKSHOPSYear: 2012-2013 Location: Cairo, Egypt Client: Ford Foundation Scope: Community Networking CUIP is a community based, user-generated interactive map, directory and shared calendar of events for art, culture, architecture, advocacy, urban development and interdisciplinary initiatives and organizations based in Cairo. CLUSTER’s idea for the Cairo Urban Initiatives Platform (CUIP: www.cuipcairo.org)…


DesignCINEMA RIALTOYear: 2012 Location: Al-Fajjala, Cairo Client: Natik Awayez and Linnea Carlsson Scope: Renovation and Development (Concept) Rialto Cinema represents the peak of the film industry in Egypt in the 1930s and 40s and is located in al-Fajjala, which in the twentieth century was a middle class, culturally vibrant and ethnically mixed district. With the…


ProgramsARTISTS AS URBAN CATALYSTSYear: 2012 Location: Goethe Institut, Cairo Client: Ford Foundation Scope: Public Panel This panel discussion explored the role that artists and arts organizations are playing in the development of Downtown Cairo. A direct dialogue between representatives of Al-Ismaelia for Real Estate Investment and The American University in Cairo with artists and cultural…


DesignARD AL-LIWA COMMUNITY PARKYear: 2012 Location: Ard al-Liwa, Cairo Client: Ard al-Liwa Community Scope: Research and Design At the end of February 2012, the Ard al-Liwa community was confronted by the unexpected levelling of the sole remaining green space in the area, slated for a housing development. Recognizing the importance of the site as offering…


ProgramsWatch Video BASURAMA: URBAN SOLID WASTEYear: 2012 Location: Cairo, Egypt Client: Spanish Embassy Scope: Workshop CLUSTER collaborated with the Spanish Collective Basurama and Elnamla Cultura Resources during the 2012 Ramadan period on an Urban Solid Waste workshop at the Townhouse Gallery. Local architects, urban artists and the zabaleen (traditional trash collecting community) explored the structural…